
Stuff on this site

Stuff elsewhere

Now that I am getting some of my hearing back again..
   Cerwin Vega E Series vs. V Series Speaker review.

News flash! After years of trying, environmentalists have finally "free'd willy"

I paid a scalper 150.00 to go to the Duran Duran concert in Tucson. I had three weeks to get the tickets 72 miles to Sierra Vista. While a letter normally takes 1 day, since these were such high importance they should go priority. It would have been better if the seller had just set them outside and hoped for the wind to do it!

Evil Postal Workers.
Two postal stamps: one 20 November,
The other 8 December.
It came on the Dec. 12. 72 miles. T__T

The Godzilla movie "GxMGxMxTokyoSOS" was released in Japan a couple days ago. I loved the three wonderful Mothra reborn movies, so naturally this one deserves some focus.

Tries something new.
Some guy with a cute Jet Li smile,
a Seuss Stack of Mothra singers
who now appear to be race idols.
The big G is in the background.
(He does not fit in the frame)

Check out: Mothra Summoning mix with chocobo flames! This is a very informative trailer. Was it just made for the web? Probably won't be in the movie.

Ratchet and Clank commando style have moved into the Best Platformer ever position. Rayman 2 on Dreamcast held it forever, almost lost out to Sly Cooper, Jak original, and Ratchet original. Jak 2 with daxter fell off the charts to like fifteenth place. It is not the same game, now it is all about errand running. I won't finish it.

This website is a location for information about the Synthpop music style, and includes such wonderful things as: Home Built Dance Platform instructions with photos, reviews of games and music, DWI step files for synthpop groups... Basically the stuff on the left.


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